ESTÜ Prototip Merkezi
This project is financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.

APS Project and Innovation Factory Information Day


"Technical Support for Advanced Prototype Station (APS) Project" Innovation Factory Information Day will be held on August 8, 2023, at Bilecik Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting will be attended by Mr. Mehmet ERGÜN, President of Bilecik Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Prof. Dr. Hikmet KARAKOÇ, Faculty Member of Eskişehir Technical University (ESTU), Director of APS Project Operation Coordination Unit, representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Start-ups will participate in the meeting. 

The project aims to provide prototyping, design, training, consultancy, and mentoring services to our enterprises in the TR41 (Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik) region, which are active in the focus sectors of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Virtual Reality-Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Manufacturing and Advanced Materials. In this context, it is aimed for SMEs to commercialize their prototypes, to open up to international markets and to bring businesses together with national/international investors. 

The project also provides technical infrastructure support, design, development, prototyping, training, consultancy and mentoring services and collaboration opportunities to entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs through a technology centre called Innovation Factory (IF)

Within the scope of Bilecik Information Day, detailed information about the Project will be provided, the services that the Project will provide to the companies will be conveyed to the participants through interactive presentations, and meetings will be held with the companies that want to benefit from the services of the Project. 

Following Bilecik, where the first leg of the Information Days will take place, the Information Days will continue in Eskişehir, Bursa, Istanbul, Ankara, Trabzon, İstanbul, Ankara and Trabzon, reaching more enterprises and SMEs. 

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Consortium led by WYG Türkiye and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology © 2022