ESTÜ Prototip Merkezi
This project is financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.

ESTU Prototype Station

Ideas Meet Innovation

What is ESTU Prototype Station and What Does It Serve?   

Innovation Factory (IF), implemented as a part of the Technical Assistance Project for the Advanced Prototype Station, is a centre that offers design, development, prototyping, training, consultancy, mentoring and collaboration opportunities to entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs with technical infrastructure support.

Which Services Can You Access at the ESTU Prototype Station? 

Our Technologies

The ESTU Prototype Station has four stations that offer effective solutions for prototyping and design needs in order to develop your technology-based products and capabilities.

The Innovation Factory serves those who want to move their business forward with innovation with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Virtual Reality-Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Manufacturing and Advanced Materials Stations.

Training and Consultancy Services

At the ESTU Prototype Station, you can access expert support, general and sectoral trainings, as well as consultancy and mentoring services you need in different fields; you can get support in commercializing and globalizing your innovative products. 

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Consortium led by WYG Türkiye and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology © 2022