ESTÜ Prototip Merkezi
This project is financed by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.

ESTU Prototype Center Opened


Our Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacır, opened our ESTU Prototype Center on February 27, 2024. The ceremony held at Eskişehir Technical University İki Eylül Campus; Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Mehmet Fatih KACIR, Eskişehir Governor Mr. Hüseyin AKSOY, Former Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and Eskişehir Deputy Mr. Fatih Dönmez, Deputy Ministers Mr. Oruç Baba İNAN and Mr. Ahmet YOZGATLIGİL, Eskişehir Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. Mr. Adnan ÖZCAN, Rector of Anadolu University Prof. Dr. Mr. Fuat ERDAL, TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Mr. Hasan MANDAL, KOSGEB President Mr. Ahmet Serdar İBRAHİMCİOĞLU, General Manager of EU and Foreign Relations Mr. Ahmet Halit HATİP, General Manager of Industry Mr. İlker Murat AR, General Manager of Industrial Zones Mr. Abdurrahman AYDIN, General Manager of Incentive Implementation Mr. Hüseyin Cahit BÜYÜKBAŞ, General Manager of Development Agencies Manager Mr. Ahmet ŞİMŞEK, General Manager of Management Services Mr. Erol ÖKTEN, KOSGEB Eskişehir Provincial Director Mr. Tarık YILMAZ, as well as project stakeholders and many sector representatives attended.

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Consortium led by WYG Türkiye and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.
Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Industry and Technology © 2022